Inauguration of Regional Technical Centre for West and Central Africa on 03 June 2010 - Inauguration of the Regional Technical Centre for East and Southern Africa on 08 April 2010

The inauguration of the Regional Technical Centre for West and Central Africa was celebrated on 03 June 2010. Associated, on 04 June 2010 a day of information for the stakeholders of the cotton value added chain was offered.

The inauguration of the Regional Technical Centre for East and Southern Africa was celebrated on 08 April 2010 followed by a day of information on 09 April 2010.

At both inaugurations many participants from the cotton producing countries in the region took the occasion to be informed about and to deepen the cooperation with their Regional Technical Centre.

About the Regional Technical Centres: The Centres offer, for example, training to the actors in the cotton area in their regions, they perform regional round trials and they can send experts to give advice on the improvement of your organisation's cotton testing laboratory. The reference laboratories of the Regional Technical Centres were recently put into operation and full service is now available. Thanks to the funding of the European Commission and the Common Fund for Commodities as well as the strong commitment of the countries and the institutions hosting the Regional Technical Centres, most services can be offered free of charge until November 2011.

Please find the reports of both inaugurations and of the complementing activities below.
